
Election Day 2020

For five days, America held its breath as election results slowly trickled in ending with Former Vice President Joe Biden being declared President-elect on Saturday morning.

 Election Night 2020

As the first polls began to close on Election Day, people gathered in front of the White House. Many waved banners and signs in opposition of President Trump with many expressing hope for win for Former Vice President Joe Biden, the democratic nominee.

Five days in November

Former Vice President Joe Biden became President-elect early Saturday along with Sen. Kamala Harris becoming Vice President-elect, the first woman to do so in American history. Crowds across the country reacted with celebrations. Washington DC erupted into similar celebrations in front of the White House Saturday night.

Trump Supporters Stand Firm After the Election

Days after Former Vice President Joe Biden was declared President-Elect, thousands of supporters of President Trump marched through the streets of Washington DC. Many were echoing baseless claims the President had tweeted that wide spread voting irregularities lead to his defeat. Many state election officials have refuted such claims.

Pro-Trump Protest Meet in Michigan as Washington Sees Riot and Insurrection

January 6, 2021

LANSING, MICH: Trump Supporters gathered at a stop the steal protest at the Michigan State Capitol as similar demonstrations took place nationwide on Wednesday as Congress began to certify the Electoral College votes. Pro-Trump speakers echoed claims of election fraud that have been refuted by state and federal agencies. Speakers also led to group in singing God Bless America and prayers in hopes of an election turn over before marching around the capital building. A wooden cross was also seen on in front of the building placed by the alt-right Proud Boys group. Protests in Michigan were calm in comparison to Washington where the rally turned into riots and insurrection as the pro-Trump mob stormed the Capitol. The building was cleared by law enforcement and the Senate resumed certifying electoral votes late Wednesday night. 4 died in the violence and over 60 were arrested.